
After a short discovery process was completed by the Viagio team, additional engineers were brought in to deliver the MVP product within three months of initial engagement for select beta clients to utilize and test. The Viagio team was able to transition the solution onto a more scalable framework that would allow for new user-based roles and provisioning, as well as enhanced data reporting visualizations and functionality.

“Their team was very excited about all the new features we presented across the board from the system updates we’ve been working on, the live connectivity, updates to the website, improved data visualizations, pretty much everything we’ve been working on was well received. Thanks to everyone on your work to make this a successful demonstration.”

~ Kelley Crush, Director of Engineering

The Challenge

StoneAge Tools has a growth plan that is focused on investing in their technology and expanding their revenue streams. They need to have scalable solutions to support a subscription-based model and expanded customer base.

StoneAge was looking for a custom software development partner that could help them accelerate their efforts in turning their existing tech into a more scalable solution, quickly.

The Approach

Viagio assembled a team to accelerate discovery, ensuring the engineers were fully up to speed with the  existing solution, while developing a vision for the future. Once discovery was complete, the Viagio team  integrated additional engineers on board to begin transitioning the solution onto a more scalable  framework that would allow for new user-based roles and provisioning, as well as enhanced data  reporting visualizations and functionality.

The Result

The Viagio team delivered the MVP product within three months of engagement for select beta clients to utilize and test. Upon their first demo with their largest client, the Viagio team received positive feedback and StoneAge extended their contract to tackle more technical initiatives.  

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Viagio Technologies Our Work

Viagio Technologies Our Work